What is Stargardt's Disease?

  Stargardt’s Disease, a type of macular degeneration, effects over 25,000 Americans, occurring in about one in 10,000 children. Because it begins in children and young adults it is also known as Juvenile Onset Macular Degeneration. Like the more common Age Related Macular Degeneration, Stargardt’s damages the macula, the part of the retina responsible for central vision. As the central vision gets worse, reading, driving and other tasks requiring sharp vision become more difficult. Eventually Stargardt’s victims are unable to perform these tasks. Although the peripheral vision is unharmed, that is small comfort for the person who has lost the best, sharpest part of their vision.  Children of a parent with Stargardt’s Disease have a 25-50% chance of developing the disease themselves.

  There is no cure or treatment for Stargardt’s Disease. Persons with Stargardt’s are advised to protect their eyes from sunlight by using good sunglasses which filter out ultraviolet light. Genetic counseling is also recommended.
  My experience has been that persons with Stargardt's Disease do very well with low vision glasses. They are often able to return to driving and other important activities. Anyone suffering a vision loss from Stargardt’s should consult a low vision optometrist for an evaluation.
  You can call me toll free to discuss your vision problem.  I will be happy to speak with you.  After asking you questions about your remaining vision and your goals I will tell you if I can help you with low vision glasses.   Call me at 866 321-2020

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