Reading, Use It Or Lose It

The most common request that macular degeneration patients make of me is help for reading.  Many have been avid readers all of their life and now their vision is blurred and distorted and they are unable to read. In most cases I am able to help them by prescribing strong glasses or other devices that magnify the print.  If it's bigger it's easier to read even though it may not be clear thanks to the macular degeneration.  This works for most of my low vision patients.

Sometimes, however, it does not help.  Sometimes a person has lost their ability to read because they are out of practice.  No matter how large the words are they can't read them.  They can read individual letters or numbers but not the words.  Reading is a skill.  If you don't keep reading you'll lose the ability.  Some people lose their reading skills in less than a year without reading.  I feel bad for these folks.  Even though I am able to help them see better they are unable to read.  Very sad.

My advice is that if you have macular degeneration, Stargardt Disease or some other progressive condition that is reducing your vision don't give up on reading.  Consult a low vision optometrist when it begins to be a problem.  Don't wait until you can't read at all.  Do what ever you can to continue reading or you will lose the ability.  The low vision doctor can help you keep reading as long as possible by prescribing appropriate glasses with the magnification that you need.  But it won't work if you wait too long.

You can call me for a free telephone consultation and I will tell you if I can help.  Call toll free 1 866 321-2030.

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